
3rd-5th Grade Judge

Jessica Turney-Lua was raised in Madera, California and graduated with her MFA in Poetry from Fresno State. She has been published in MAYDAY Magazine, NELLE, A Sharp Piece of Awesome, and was a finalist in Frontier’s OPEN prize. She also received the Ernesto Trejo Poetry Prize from the Academy of American Poets. Jessica is the Interim Director for Fresno State's Trio Student Services Success Program & Student Services Success Veterans. She currently lives in Fresno's Tower District where she enjoys going on walks with her husband and their son Henry.

6th-8th Grade Judge

Aideed Medina is a poet and playwright.

Her work has appeared in various publications, including Issue #26 of The Common: Farmworkers Portfolio and Somos Xicanas Anthology, Riot of Roses Publishing House, and has been featured in Eclectic Collective theatrical productions, The Opera Remix, Fresno Grand Opera, and 559 Mural Project murals. She is the author of 31 Hummingbird, Editorial Xingao, Segmented Bodies, Prickly Pear Publishing, and a forthcoming binational chapbook, selected poems from Segmented Bodies/ Salmos de la Sierra Madre, with Aziz Córdova, published by Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León, Mexico.

9th-12th Grade Judge

Mariah Bosch is a queer Chicana from Fresno. She is a recent graduate of the Fresno State MFA program in Creative Writing and her work can be found on Poets.org, Hobart, Cosmonauts Avenue, and elsewhere.

Adult Judge

Photo credit: (c) Adrianne Mathiowetz Photography

Angela Chaidez Vincent writes poetry and fiction and has a background of livelihoods in engineering, mathematics, and programming. Her debut poetry collection ARENA GLOW (April 2024, Tourane Poetry Press) features poems about women with a daredevil oblique: rodeo queens, female gladiators, romantic scientists, and board game assassins. Angela's work has appeared in Oxford Review of Books, North American Review, 32 Poems, Atticus Review, and Bellevue Literary Review, among others. She lives in Fresno, California and is online at angelachaidezvincent.com.